Crowdfunding campaign “Support revolution in Belarus”

For over three months, people in Belarus have been fighting against the authoritarian regime.

In 26 years, dictator Lukashenko has built a system aimed at suppressing any political life. The coronavirus and a number of economic problems have greatly changed what is happening in the country. In a few months, Belarusians have learned to self-organize. The presidential elections provoked a wave of the largest protest in the country’s history! But the tyrant does not want to give up his throne. At least 5 people were killed (some died under strange circumstances). Thousands of people were beaten and disabled by the violence of the police. More than 15 thousand have been detained and sentenced on administrative cases. More than 500 criminal cases have been initiated. At least 200 people are awaiting trial in the pre-trial detention center (including at least four anarchists and four anti-fascists).

Since the first days of the uprising, anarchists have been actively participating in street demonstrations and various initiatives in their places of residence. Activists are agitating for self-organization and decentralized protest. Some organized a partisan group. The determination and persistency of anarchist movement of the country has made us one of the most organized political forces in the fight against the dictatorship.

But the anarchists are not ignored by repressive structures as well. Because of the problems, some of our comrades were forced to go underground and quit their jobs. Left without the means to exist and their place of residence, they now live solely on the solidarity of their comrades! With resources scarse we are forced to callour comrades and friends outside of the country for the support. The money for many things are quite urgent and we would appreciate every contribution from small to big!

For today, constant help is needed with:

  • payment for safe housing, rent of meeting rooms and other
  • infrastructure;
  • purchase of protest equipment (megaphones, walkie-talkies,
  • personal equipment, medical kits, etc.),
  • printing leaflets/stickers/pamphlets,
  • supporting those who now live in the underground and cannot earn money,
  • support for activists who have survived violence by the Belarusian state.

We call on comrades around the world to show solidarity with the anarchist movement of Belarus. Through the support of this campaign, you will back not only the anarchists, but also the desire of the Belarusian people to free themselves from dictatorship!

Tell your friends and comrades about the campaign and only with your help we will be able to make our way through the darkest time of night towards dawn!

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Videoconference with People from Stop Bzdurom (Stop Bullshit) collective about anti LGBTQ+ repressions in poland.

According to ILGA research for 2020 so called poland became the most homophobic country in EU. However it is not a suprise for any LGBTQ+ person who live there. The hostile homophobic and transphobic politics were visible on rise since present government took power in 2015 and reached its peak point in recent presidential election. The tone of elections was dominated by ostensibly ultrahomophobic campaign of present far-right president who won next term of presidency this country. People could « learn » from his campaign that they are not people but just an ideology and that they destroy polish families and hundreds of tons of other bullshit. That was the clear sign for most fascist and conservative parts of society that hostile and discriminatory attitude towards LGBTQ+ people have full support from the highest autorites in the country.

In the meantime some departamental authorities started to establish so called « antilgbt zones » in their areas- kind of law restrictions that are in theory based on protecting so called polish families, but in reality they are creating zones where lgbtq communities have to live under really heavy oppression one from the government and one from the society from the other side. « AntiLGBTQ zones » appeared on 1/3 territory of the country. Pararell to this events in some cities appeared cars armored with huge banners and megaphones. You can hear and read from them that lgbtq is actually pedophilia or that people who are fighting for abortion want to « sexualize » polish children (sic!).

27th of June 2020 in Warsaw one of the cars was smashed. That was not first time when somebody expressed ones dissagrement against homophobic propaganda spread by those cars. Especially known from protesting those cars and organizations standing behind them (« Foundation Pro ») is young anarcha-queer collective named « Stop Bzdurom » (Stop Bullshit). Following their self-discription they:  » (…) work for LGBTQ+ – smart, educated, brave, and most of all- with a causative power. We differ from the rest of LGBTQ+ groups in Poland on account of our shameless mugs, unapologetic nature, and methods which neither ( “News” station affiliated with the government), nor the rest of right-wing asshats would dare to dream about. Everything we’ve done here results from the anger in response to the cruel, harmful, iIl-conceived actions of the fanatics. »
So it wasn’t so supprise when 14th of July in early morning hours police raid a flat where one person from SP collective staing at. Police brutally dragged Margot out of the flat in her pyjamas (without shoes, socks or a sweatshirt), and took her to an unmarked car, threatening her with abuse and death, calling her a f*ggot and a loser. The activist was held up all night, and released the next day by the court, without arrest. Now she needs funds for herself and other people at risk, as well as for further actions of her collective.

For now Margot and her collective need about 4,000 euros for lawyers, and another 4,000 for the queer campaign they want to start next month. All raising funds above this amount will be donated to the Polish Anarchist Black Cross and to anti-repressive activities. To support some people decide to hold video-conferance with people from Stop Bzdurom and solidarity dinner on old Gare of Lumeville to rise founds.This will happen at 11th August

There are also possible individual donations. Informations about how to donate and more about Stop Bzdurom you can find on the website under the link here:

We would like to also encurange you to express your solidarity in any way you feel would be appropriate??

Below is the plan of the event, on august 11th on the old Luméville trainstation :

19.00 – dinner
20.00 – video conferance
After conferance – Projection « Tu nie chodzi o ludzi » ( It isn’t about people). It is a patchwork of filmed assemblies of polish departamental autorieties while debating « AntiLGBTQ zones » laws. Good for education but horrible as cinema.

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Anti-prison week : program / practical informations (updated on 28/02)

The anti-prison week is in less than a month! It will happen from 2 to 8 march 2020 in the old train station of Luméville, close to Bure, place of a struggle against a project of a center for burrying nuclear waste.

The idea is to take time to meet, between people and groups from different countries, have formal and informal times of discussions, workshops, movie screenings, readings. You can come to the week with your own proposals, with or without telling us in advance. Zine distros are also very welcome.

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Kévin is out of jail!

Two days ago (18 february), Kévin was released from prison! They were locked up since july 2019 in the Nancy-Maxéville jail for not respecting their judicial supervision, in the context of the investigation for criminal association. After seven months in pre-trial detention, they’re finally released! Although they are still under judicial supervision.

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Legal situation for the anti-prison week


With the anti-prison week coming in a less that a month, we thought of doing a small point on the legal situation around here. Because of the specific context of the place and the event, we think it’s important to make everyone aware of the risks that can be involved with coming here.

Since 2017, a dedicated unit of cops is present at all times in the area to surveil the opponents to the Cigéo project (see this page for more information on the project). Cops regularly patrol the road leading to the event place, as well as most of the roads of the villages around. Sometimes during events, they also perform static road checks on specific places.

The place of the event – the old trainstation of Luméville – is a legal place, that has been bought by opponents years ago, so normally cops cannot enter it. However, in recent history, they invaded the place on two occasions. In 2017, a series of raid targeted several places, including the place of the event, as part of an investigation for a “criminal association”. In 2018, the place of the event was invaded by cops, after an altercation with security guards next to the place – according to the cops, people had punched a guard and thrown a stone before retreating to the place.

For more information about what can happen when you get controlled by french cops, from a simple ID check to custody and trials, you can the legal briefing in the context of Bure (in english, french, italian, and german).

A phone number will be published on this website some time before the event. You will be able to call this number to either ask for, or give informations about the activity of the cops in the area.

You can contact us if you have questions or specific needs related to this subject.

We will soon publish a new article to give more information about the program of the week.

See you soon,

The Anarchist Bure Cross

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Posters for the anti-prison week

  • You can left click on a poster to see it bigger.
  • Then right click and “Save as” to save it on your computer.
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More info about the anti-prison week in march

The anti-prison week will take place near Bure, on the grounds of the former Luméville railway station, from 2 to 8 march 2020. The idea is to take the time to meet, between people and groups from different countries, during formal and informal times of discussions, workshops, movie screenings…

A first draft of the programme has been drawn up and will evolve and become more precise in the coming weeks. The thematics, which are likely to evolve (do not hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions), would be the following:

  • Repression and anti-repression
  • (No)Borders
  • Gender issues, LGBTQ+, women’s prisons
  • People escaping prison sentences + discussions outside of thematics
  • Prison abolition (discussions around anarchist views on justice, law, crime, punishment)

There is also a desire to provide time for reading letters exchanged with people in prison and for writing to people in prison. Everyone is invited to propose a workshop and you can contact us to announce it or if you have specific needs, whether personal or technical.

We would like to pay special attention to translation during the week. We would like to provide translations during the discussions, at least in french and english, and if possible in german, polish and italian.

A vegan canteen, free price and participatory, will be organised from monday lunchtime to sunday evening. For sleeping, there will be places in sleepings and caravans, and the possibility to sleep in tents or trucks on the field (there is room!).

The field hosting the anti-prison week is relatively flat, but not very accessible to people on crutches/wheel chairs. If you have special needs in this area, please contact us.

Furthermore, the ground is not connected to water and electricity networks. There are solar panels – especially for lighting and movie screenings – but the electricity available will be limited.

The area around Bure is quite surveilled, and cops patrols are very frequent. Road checks often intensify during publicly announced events. Before coming, you can read the legal briefing in the context of Bure (also available in french, german and italian).

Do not hesitate to share this event with other people who might be interested. You can also send letters to prisoners to invite them to contribute with letters.

See you in march!

Anarchist Bure Cross

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Loïc was freed ! (under judicial supervision)

Our friend Loïc, in prison in Nancy then Hamburg since august 2018, was freed this evening! He has to report twice a week to the Hamburg police. The public prosecutor’s office did not file an appeal. His trial is expected to last until april 2020.

As a reminder, the website in support of Loïc (in french) : La neige sur Hambourg

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Anti-prison week 2-8 March 2020

There will be an anti-prison week from the 2 to the 8 March 2020 in Bure area where happen a struggle against nuclear waste buring center project.

There will be discussions about repression, prison industry, non-cismen in jail, borders, surveilliance etc, with different collectives.

Everyone is welcome to propose some workshop and you can contact us to announce it or to ask for specific needed, personal or technical.

Translation will be organised (languages will be precise later).

Don’t hesitate to share this event with other people that could be interested. You can also send letters to prisoners to invite them to contribute by letters.

Later will be published the program and other informations.

See you on March !

Anarchist Bure Cross

Postal : Anarchist Bure Cross, 2 rue de l’Église, 55290 Bure

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Revival of the Anarchist Bure Cross

After more than a year of inactivity, we are a few people from Bure & around with the desire to revive the website and activities of the Anarchist Bure Cross. In the days/weeks to come, the website should be updated and translated to other languages than french. Below, a small summary of what happened around here in terms of repression since the last updates of the website.

The last “days against the prison and repression” were organized in the Maison de Résistance in Bure on 15 and 16 march 2018, about a month after the evicion of the Lejuc forest, occupied at the time since a year and a half. A few days after these anti-prison days, two friends were sentenced to prison sentences (french) – respectively 4 months with suspension and 3 months without – for stuff linked to this eviction.

In august 2018, our friend Loïc is arrested after several weeks “on the run” (in a text published on the Internet (french), he had claimed responsibility for escaping the justice system). He was targeted by an european arrest warrant linked to the Hamburg G20 counter-summit. First jailed in Nancy-Maxéville, he is extradited to Germany in october 2018. He is in preventive detention in a Hamburg jail since this date. About him, we can read news of his trial dated from december 2018 (french) and february (french) and july (french) 2019. And also poems from Loïc (french) published in august, and a text (french) that reached us in october.

In february 2019, a friend was sentenced to three months in prison without suspension (french) for “insulting” a police car.

And then in last july, at the same time as a super-quick-reoccupation of the Lejuc forest, our friend Kevin was arrested and jailed (french) for failing to respect their judicial supervision (territory ban). Their judicial supervision comes from their indictment in an investigation for “criminal association” that targets more than ten people linked with Bure since 2017. They are in preventive detention since then (they’re the only person targeted by this investigation to be in prison, the other are under judicial supervisions).

In september, the day before a demonstration in Nancy against the Cigéo project, the Nancy-Maxéville jail is attacked with paint, broken windows, smoke bombs and fireworks. A communiqué is published a few days later that claims responsibility for the action.

In march 2020, we want to organize new anti-prison days around here. An article will be published soon with more informations about that.

For more informations :


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